A Blythe Coach


A Blythe Coach Signature Program to Dance through Difficulties into a life of joy and fulfillment

3-Month 1 : 1 Life Coaching Offer

A Blythe Coach - Life Coaching


A Blythe Coach Signature Program to Dance through Difficulties into a life of joy and fulfillment

3-Month 1 : 1 Life Coaching Offer

Currently you may be in a season of difficulty, but with support you’ll find yourself dancing in delight!

Tell me what rings true for you:
life struggle - life coaching

Maybe you’re like me
and my former clients ...

… who have already been to individual therapy, support groups, couples counseling and so forth to do the work of healing old wounds, improve clarity and communication (I definitely recommend it!), and strategize your future, but you know there’s still MORE to do and be in order to leap into fulfillment and accomplish your outlandish dreams.
You’ve probably educated yourself, consulted experts, bought programs, read books, looked for signs… but somehow can’t yet seem to translate that into the results you seek.
You might feel like you’ve lost touch with the dreams and passions you once had, are struggling to find any semblance of balance in changing life circumstances (whether chosen by you or wildly unexpected), or yearn to integrate seemingly disparate needs, interests, and passions.

One Client Story for you

It could be that you feel like my client did who was experiencing health challenges, low energy, pain, and career frustration. She was facing a major low in a life that had been so lively and full.
Having tried all sorts of things in the past, including therapy, resolutions, my client still felt stuck in moving forward! She wanted to figure out what really makes her thrive, and pursue what lights her up, but was having trouble getting started and putting all the pieces together.
We scheduled weekly 1:1 sessions over a span of 3 months and we designed her plan to master desaster.
By the end of our work together, there was a tangible difference in how she was able to show up in the world, in ways both objectively observable and in her lived experience. She looked and sounded lighter and brighter and she reported feeling more well, clear, confident, purposeful, even powerful!
dilemma to delight - life coaching
She said:
"I've dealt with fears that held me back, moved from doubt to confidence and my life is moving into balance for the first time in five years ... or ever!"
Being supported by the coaching relationship and going through the program changed everything. It’s remarkable what clients accomplish with my specialized brand of support.

So, here's Why & How
Dilemma to Delight
will work for you

Working from a grounded foundation, centered in your essential excellence, oriented towards inspiring goals, purposefully creating the work you’re meant to in the world in nurturing community…you are ready to transcend your current situation and put all the pieces together to create your ideal life. Through this structured yet individualized 1:1 coaching program, you will accelerate your results and catalyze the changes that lead to joy and satisfaction.
Through this program, you’ll be able to:


1:1 Weekly 1-hour
Coaching Sessions
Over Zoom for 3 Months (12 Sessions) to provide a powerful container to navigate your current challenge through individual support.
5 Touchstone
With Workbooks and Video Trainings to integrate and support the work, fully customized to the specific situation you face.
As needed between sessions to make sure you don’t get stuck, but rather keep moving forward with momentum.
The season of coaching moves through five phases, which comprise the essential elements of clarity and change, catalyzing and accelerating your growth and transformation. We partner together to reveal your amazing essence, design clear action steps, lending accountability and inspiration to the projects and topics of focus.
Book a Discovery Call
Enroll in Dilemma to Delight!
A Blythe Coach - Life Coaching
The season of coaching moves through five phases, which comprise the essential elements of clarity and change, catalyzing and accelerating your growth and transformation. We partner together to reveal your amazing essence, design clear action steps, lending accountability and inspiration to the projects and topics of focus.
Book a Discovery Call
Enroll in Dilemma to Delight!

Let my clients speak for themselves


Blythe has been an amazingly genuine, empathic, and wise guide throughout our work together.

Every exercise, assignment and resource has helped me move into balance. I now have social and creative outlets, I’ve begun a simple exercise routine and have completely changed the way that I eat and cook -- I’ve even lost weight without once experiencing hunger. My pain levels have decreased, I have more energy and I can sleep through the night... but the biggest blessing has been in learning to recognize, appreciate and reconnect with my Essence.
Coaching Client
Cynthia Hanna
Coaching Client


I can clearly see the many ways in which our time together benefited me:

I routinely use and stick to an online budget to keep myself financially accountable; I regularly attend faith services and continue to grow on my spiritual journey; I go antiquing on the weekends and practice my armchair appraisal skills in preparation for an auctioneering career; and I have taken the much needed step of seeing a naturopath, which has had a profound effect on my energy levels. None of the above were practices of mine before Blythe. Blythe also made an observation about the way I approach stressful situations which has grown into a profound revelation for me and has really changed the way I approach problems.
Coaching Client
Kimberley Smith
Coaching Client


I have considered both Blythe, and the program, excellent in helping me achieve my goals of looking at the world in a new light, getting out of some old, well-worn ruts, and getting on with my life.

I have been through therapy for 2-3 years at a time, but although those efforts left me better understanding where I had come from, they had never helped me go forward in a new way. And that was what I wanted this time. Blythe did an excellent job at helping me discover who I AM, drop some of my self-bashing (a BIG issue for me), and discover why these ‘simple’ steps are so vital to moving OUT of my old pattern! Let me recommend her to you, whatever the ‘stuck spot’ you find yourself in now.
Coaching Client
Kathleen Higbee
Coaching Client
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