A Blythe Coach

Tag: Resilience

Tourner – Turning, Rotation, & Revolution – Spinning Right Round in ballet & life

In her seminal collection of wisdom on classical ballet technique and pedagogy, Basic Principles of Classical Ballet: Russian Ballet Technique of Agrippina Vaganova, she states: “The first condition of good tours is an absolutely straight, held-together body. One should not lose the spot of the finish, and should always ‘feel’ the front so as not […]

Relever – Rise Up! in ballet, movement, & life

Looking at the news today can make me feel like the world is in a downward spiral. Sometimes our individual lives feel this way as well. And maybe we’d like for things to take a turn for the better, and just continue along a linear path towards perfection. Well, life seems to follow a more […]

Humor and Wisdom from the Multi-Passionate Dancing Life of Matthew Donnell

A delightful conversation with fellow dance educator and UNCSA alumnus as well as super-talented and wonderful guy, Matthew Donnell! We talk about the highs and lows of being a multi-passionate jack-of-all-trades, his highlights as a professional ballet dancer, how to fall down and get back up again, the importance of révérence, character dance, and technique variety in ballet training, developing character in dancers and human beings, serving our communities, helping dancers find their voice, and assert that all people are valuable!

Learning from Mistakes & Failure

“Do not fear mistakes–there are none.” – Miles Davis

The research-based book on learning, Make it Stick, blew my mind a bit during my teacher credential program, especially finding out that the difficulty of recalling new information correctly correlates to the depth of the learning. That means the more I struggle to remember German words, as long as I try hard, keep practicing, and get corrections when I can, the more permanent and retrievable that information will be in the future.

Struggle and failure are inherent to learning, creativity, and dancing, so we would do well to learn to approach them with compassion.

2021 Goals 6-Month Reflection and Re-Set

It’s unbelievable, but we are already 6 months into 2021, and I relish reflecting on half a year of learning and growth around the same time that I celebrate my birthday in June. This year has had its share of challenges as well, and it’s also an opportunity to contemplate grief and growth. I personally […]

Interview with Mentor Virginia Holte, bringing ballet to the Big Island of Hawaii -Podcast #50

For nearly a year, the A Blythe Coach podcast has consisted of weekly bite-sized insights on dance, yoga, well-being, creativity, and joy! But, to celebrate the 50th episode of my podcast, I’ve decided to share a special longer-form (1-hour) interview, kicking off a regular interview series to be interspersed with my solo episodes. I’m so […]

Change in the Air: Out of Ruts, Into Action

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes are happening, from the inauguration of a new president in the US, vaccinations coming out for the deadly pandemic that has swept the planet, a new calendar year, all of us having had to radically change our lives in some way, recently, if not in every way. The change process is an area I’m […]

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