A Blythe Coach

Tag: Visualization

Say the Magic Words: Musings on Resonant Affirmations, Powerful Phrases, Prayers, Stands, & Mantra

Say the magic words: Please, Thank You, I’m Sorry.I love you.Help, Thanks, Wow.Hallelujah. In 2018 I went through a very rocky separation and second divorce. At the time, I was living in Honolulu, working on my secondary teaching credential and teaching in at least three locations every week, plus running an Airbnb in my two […]

Relever – Rise Up! in ballet, movement, & life

Looking at the news today can make me feel like the world is in a downward spiral. Sometimes our individual lives feel this way as well. And maybe we’d like for things to take a turn for the better, and just continue along a linear path towards perfection. Well, life seems to follow a more […]

Yogalicious 5-Day ReTREAT: Escape Virtually, Anytime

At-home or on-the-go, anywhere with an internet connection and anytime it is convenient for you, this 5-Day Yoga Virtual Mini-ReTREAT provides a restful and rejuvenating practice oasis daily. We are playing with some of the basic shapes of yoga, in active and/or restorative iterations, to find the most delectable flavors for your personal practice.

My Creative Morning Ritual

My daily ritual has grown to include practices that facilitate physical, mental, and spiritual well being and abundant creativity. When I complete these actions on a daily basis, I develop clarity and momentum, feel inspired and strong, experience less pain, and am able to coach, dance, teach, write, and engage with ideas and people in a well-grounded and present way.

Falling for Momentum, Swinging for the Stars

Imagery, Physical Forces, and Dance Movement Techniques of SWINGING, that’s what I’m writing about today and discussing on Episode 66 of the podcast!

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