A Blythe Coach

Tag: Restorative

Yogalicious 5-Day ReTREAT: Escape Virtually, Anytime

At-home or on-the-go, anywhere with an internet connection and anytime it is convenient for you, this 5-Day Yoga Virtual Mini-ReTREAT provides a restful and rejuvenating practice oasis daily. We are playing with some of the basic shapes of yoga, in active and/or restorative iterations, to find the most delectable flavors for your personal practice.

Yogalicious Virtual Re-TREAT Free Workshop Series

Everyone deserves a break to rest and restore, and you can take one anytime, anywhere with an internet connection, and establish a self-care habit with this complementary yoga series! Announcing my FREE 5-Day Virtual Yogalicious ReTREAT! Yoga ReTREAT Invitation Video You are invited on a yogic getaway… I’m dropping in today to invite you to […]

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