Everyone deserves a break to rest and restore, and you can take one anytime, anywhere with an internet connection, and establish a self-care habit with this complementary yoga series!
Announcing my FREE 5-Day Virtual Yogalicious ReTREAT!
Yoga ReTREAT Invitation Video
You are invited on a yogic getaway…
I’m dropping in today to invite you to join my FREE 5-Day Yogalicious Virtual Yoga ReTREAT! It will take place June 20-24th in celebration of my birthday and Pride Month as my gift to you.
At-home or on-the-go, anywhere with an internet connection and anytime it is convenient for you, this Yoga Virtual Mini-ReTREAT provides a restful and rejuvenating practice oasis. Take just a handful of moments (or hours, depending on time available) out of your day, and feel the benefits.
A custom yoga adventure
Each session is focused on one delicious basic shape or yoga pose, which you can choose to approach in a low-impact restorative manner or in more energizing activated forms (or both). I will provide and encourage adaptations to find your favorite flavor.
For yogis at all levels, I’ll teach each session so that beginners can understand and seasoned practitioners can go deeper into their experience of the poses and designing their personal practice.
What to bring on reTREAT
Come as you are, and bring your favorite yoga props, pillows and blankets, candles, incense, crystals and beverages to create the full “retreat” experience.
The yoga session duration will average between 15 & 45 minutes per day, but I encourage you to expand on that and indulge as long as you can. However, when time-pressed, just one of the poses, or 5 minutes per day can make a huge difference!
Yoga ReTREAT Schedule
The week of the virtual yoga reTREAT we are going to practice together daily, with a new pose and brief yoga sequence on video for you to enjoy each weekday along with other videos, resources, and ideas to expand on your retreat time allowing.
I will also include links to the previous day’s content going forward, so you can refer to it, start again anytime, and go through the whole workshop series again anytime you like.
The ReTREAT Includes:
- Daily email greeting the week of the reTREAT
- Pre-recorded yoga sequence on video to practice anytime and anywhere with pose versions for a variety of yoga practitioners
- Live Q&A on Instagram
- Ongoing support, resources, and joy through the weekly A Blythe Coach email newsletter
Your Yogalicious reTREAT Leader
The virtual yoga reTREAT is led by me, Blythe C. Stephens, MFA in Dance, Certified Coaching Graduate, YTT200, Bliss Catalyst & Creator of A Blythe Coach: helping multi passionate creatives dance through their difficulties & take leaps of faith into fulfillment.
Hawai’i-raised and Cologne, Germany-based, I collaborate with students and clients in-studio and online and would love to connect on social media @ablythecoach
***If you are also seeking more specific dance-related content, check out my ballet and dance videos on YouTube and look forward to my Virtual Dance Intensive in July!
Count me in!!
Just pop your information at the link here to sign up free of charge, or visit my Instagram @ablythecoach and send me a DM to get started.
We will have fun and feel good!