A Blythe Coach

Tag: Dance Education

Sourcing Ballet Somatically – Pedagogical Approaches to Integrating Movement Techniques

This paper takes the approach of critical pedagogy to investigate practices in integrating somatics into teaching ballet technique.
Originally part of my MFA in Dance research methods work in 2012, the conversation continues about how to best train dancers to honor the tradition of classical ballet while also educating the whole dancer and person in contemporary society.

Dealing with Difficult Developments – 15 Ways to Cope with Challenges & Setbacks

Hard times come to us all, so how can we bounce back and recover? Here are the tools that work for me when I need to cope with difficult developments and which I share with clients and students to support their commitment to what’s important in their lives despite setbacks.

Leaning on them now and curious to hear what you find works best for you!

Dance Shoe Blues – Footwear Identity Crisis – What to wear to class?

Folks often ask why I mostly wear socks to teach and dance these days, and what they themselves should wear to beginner ballet or other styles of dance classes.

This year I’ve been studying Argentine Tango for the first time, and that requires different considerations in terms of footwear, due to the type of flooring and the technique.

I’ve recently been sharing my creative supplies and EDC/Everyday Carry essentials, so along those lines, here is an informal chat with more information about what dance shoes I regularly use and what is appropriate for a first movement class for adults or children.

Seaside, Oceanic & Watery Inspirations – Dance, Yoga, Music, Poetry & Creativity

Though watery ocean, lake, river, and rain concepts can ignite the imagination yearlong, I find them particularly fun in the warmer months, for children’s and all-ages dance, yoga, meditation and visualization, poetic and artistic inspiration. This is a (growing, dynamic, never comprehensive) collection of resources I personally treasure and love to share as a teaching artist but may also be useful to families with children, other creatives, or to delight your own inner artist child.

Delicious Dancey Digest for International Dance Day & National Dance Week

This is a resource roundup to relish a couple of important annual celebrations of dance movement! National Dance Week, an annual celebration of dance that takes place from April 19 to 28 this year is specially set aside to spread the delight and joys of dancing, and to create awareness about its impact and benefits.
May you feel inspired to move by these offerings and others being shared by dancers the world over!

Twenty-Four 24’s in 2024: Analog Project Planning & Action Tracking, Creative Bullet Journal Style

Having enjoyed tracking twenty-three (and more) key actions in my Bullet Journal collections in 2023, I decided to keep it going this year with twenty-four 24’s in 2024!

Arranged according to my 8 major focus areas; Read, Write, Create, Practice, Serve, Connect, Sustain, and Adventure; in this way I get a somewhat holistic picture of my intentions and goals for the year. I focus on actions I can take, then see what results occur. Then I reflect, recommit or change direction, and carry on creating!

International Women’s Day Beautiful Adaptive Adult Ballet Barre+ with A Blythe Coach

In celebration of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, I’m offering a complimentary online Beautiful Ballet Barre+ class!

We will kick off a new season of mindful movement with a delicious, gentle, adaptive beginner and beyond level online ballet barre to lovely music with one or two dancey, optionally-freestanding exercises.

Joyful and suitable to all levels and genders. Dancers will be encouraged to express themselves through classical dance movements, taking their own appropriate variations of standard ballet steps.

Dancing Transitions & Translations Choreography Workshop

In this workshop, we will devise a collaborative choreography using our existing ballet and dance vocabulary, universal Elements of Dance, and a supportive structure that can be applied to future dancemaking.

We will begin with a simple dance phrase, developing varied interpretations, integrating our individual viewpoints, and emerging with a new work-in-progress. The process will generate more nuanced transitions and fuller expression in technique and performance practice, choreographic exploration, and bridging dance tradition and contemporary issues.

Tourner – Turning, Rotation, & Revolution – Spinning Right Round in ballet & life

In her seminal collection of wisdom on classical ballet technique and pedagogy, Basic Principles of Classical Ballet: Russian Ballet Technique of Agrippina Vaganova, she states: “The first condition of good tours is an absolutely straight, held-together body. One should not lose the spot of the finish, and should always ‘feel’ the front so as not […]

Yogalicious Virtual Re-TREAT Free Workshop Series

Everyone deserves a break to rest and restore, and you can take one anytime, anywhere with an internet connection, and establish a self-care habit with this complementary yoga series! Announcing my FREE 5-Day Virtual Yogalicious ReTREAT! Yoga ReTREAT Invitation Video You are invited on a yogic getaway… I’m dropping in today to invite you to […]

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