This is a resource roundup to relish a couple of important annual celebrations of dance movement! National Dance Week, an annual celebration of dance that takes place from April 19 to 28 this year is specially set aside to spread the delight and joys of dancing, and to create awareness about its impact and benefits.
April 29th is International Dance Day, chosen in 1982 by the Dance Committee of ITI due to the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), creator of modern ballet. “The intention of the International Dance Day Message is to celebrate dance, revel in the universality of this art form, cross all political, cultural and ethnic barriers, and bring people together with a common language.”
May you feel inspired to move by these offerings and others being shared by dancers the world over!
Tasty Dance Treats
As a dancer, choreographer, and teaching artist this art form brings joy and meaning to my life, which I endeavor to share with others through a variety of resources, a library of which are also free of charge!
My ballet, contemporary, creative movement, dance conditioning, yoga, and coaching creations include:
- The A Blythe Coach YouTube Channel where since 2020 I’ve been sharing Ballet & Dance Videos and Playlists with warmups, exercises, techniques, tutorials, and creative experiences as well as tools and techniques for creative people
- Here at I share Blog Articles about Ballet & Dance, technique, goal-setting, mindset, music, improv, choreography, and creativity
- A Blythe Coach Podcast Episodes are available wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts and are linked in many of my articles as well
- Creative Challenges which I host host and participate in to spark inspiration, motivation, accountability, and community
- Special Workshops such as my upcoming Dance Criticism Master Class, past Transitions & Translations Choreography Workshop, Signature Coaching Program, and other high-value offerings to rock your world to come
- Recent playful choreographic experimentation through posting Alphabet Superset TikTok micro video choreos
- Living/Dynamic Balletlicious with Blythe Ballet Syllabus Google Hyper-Doc with Links to tutorials available by request to students and weekly email newsletter subscribers
- My approximately-weekly Email Newsletter itself is a feast of dancey and creative living resources, featuring my latest creations and those of other awesome folks
- Live Classes In-Studio & Online: Mindful Movement (Ballet, Barre a Terre, Dance, Yoga…) to move together at home or anywhere in the world
- Passing along recommendations and reviews of live performances such as West Hawai’i Dance Theatre’s production of “Giselle” at Kahilu Theatre coming up on May 18th, which I am so excited to have to opportunity to be there to see! (and Emcee)
- And I am always eager to connect you to other dancers, companies, teachers, creators & resources that are bringing a joyful, inclusive, and empowering energy to the field of dance!

Dance Workshops & Creative Challenges
Here are a few past creative challenges that I have shared, with future opportunities to be announced:
- Balletlicious Building Blocks of Dance Challenge
- Get Down Daily Creative Dance Challenge
- Ignite the Spark of Creativity – 6 Ways to Be Inspired
- Magic Within You 4-Day Virtual Yoga Workshop Series
- Yogalicious 5-Day ReTREAT: Escape Virtually, Anytime
- Adaptive Adult Summer Dance Intensive 2021
- Dancing Transitions & Translations Choreography Workshop (2023)
- Dance through any Difficulty coaching challenge
Dancey Blog Articles
Here are some of the many articles I’ve written on dance-related topics in recent years, with many planned and ideas for the future, with input from my audience:
- Do the Locomotion OR Walk Like a Dancer: walking, running, & other techniques of travel
- Stability & Aplomb: Integrity in Action
- Ballet & Modern Dance Foot Positions & Spatial Intent
- 8 (or 9) Ballet Body Positions/Orientations: relating to space, stage and audience
- Wonderful Warmers Whet the Appetite – Movement, Dance, & Ballet Warm-Ups to Get Ready & Feel Good
- Cool Downs to Cleanse the Palate – 5 Ways to Cool Off & Wind Down
- Sumptuous Stretching – Feel Good Flexibilty
- On Balance – Practicing the Process of Dancing with Equilibrium
- Arts of Allegro – Types of Jumps in Ballet, Modern Dance, & other forms
- Shake It Off! Stress & Tension Relief for Dancers, Athletes, and other humans under pressure
- Go Bananas for the Splits, Leap like Yoga Mythology’s Monkey God Hanuman (and a review of the basics of stretching technique)
Elements of Dance
One mini-series of articles is on the topic of the basic elements or ingredients of dance which choreographers use to express themselves:
- The Body The Body in Space – anatomical dimensions, planes, and posture in dance & life
- Space Approaches to Space: Qualities of Focus in Dance & Life
- Shape & Shaping Shapeshifting Dancers: Forms & How We Get There
- Rollercoaster of Dance: Traveling Through Undercurve & Overcurve Pathways
- Time Attitudes to Time in Dance & Life: relating to and transforming conceptions of time
- Action & Energy Falling for Momentum, Swinging for the Stars
7 Movements of Classical Dance
Another series centers on basic movements of ballet:
- To Bend Pleasing & Powerful Pliés in Ballet & Dance
- To Stretch Tempting Tendus – Basic Ballet Theory & Technique
- To Rise Relever – Rise Up! in ballet, movement, & life
- To Jump Jumping in with “Sauter” & Leaps of Faith
- To Turn Tourner – Turning, Rotation, & Revolution – Spinning Right Round in ballet & life
- To Glide Glisser – Smoothly Gliding into Autumn
- To Dart Élancer – Swiftly Darting in Ballet + Life
Dancing Techniques
Other beautiful topics:
- Embracing Ballet Balancé – Classical Waltzing Theory & Practice
- Brilliant Batterie – Fluttering Footwork in Balletic Leg Beats
- Art & Architecture of Arabesque
- Creative Ballet Port de Bras – Arm Artistry Exploring Nature
- Truths About Turnout
- Seven Satisfying Connecting Steps in Ballet Technique
- Goal-Setting for Dancers
- Developing Rhythm & Musicality for Dance
Ballet & Dance Stories
With young children and all ages of dancers it is a pleasure to explore classic fairytales as well as contemporary stories and more abstract works, including:
- “Sleeping Beauty” Ballet: Roses Have Thorns: Time, Love, & Mortality in “Sleeping Beauty,” “Hamilton,” Poetry, & Life
- “Cinderella” Ballet: Cinderella’s Courage & Kindness: teaching the classic fairytale ballet
- “Nutcracker” Ballet: Nutty for “The Nutcracker” Ballet: History, Story, Music, Dance & Holiday Magic
- “Hansel & Gretel” Fairytale: Gretel & Hansel Fairytale for Creative Dance – Music, Storytelling, Improv & Choreography
Cultivating States of Being in Dance & Life
Being an ontological coach as well as dance educator and teaching artist, one of my goals is to attend to the state of being of the student, client, dancer, and individual to bring out their highest potential. This includes fostering:
- A Grounded State of Being – Getting Good & Grounded: Creating a Solid Foundation for Yoga, Dance, & Life
- A Centered State of Being –Coming from Your Powerful Core: Calibrating a Centered State of Being for Yoga, Dance, & Life
- An Oriented State of Being – Orienting to Your Place, Purpose & Vision
YouTube Videos & Playlists
Performance and Choreography
Past choreography and performances by myself and my dancers, such as “Blue Green,” above, performed by myself and Mareva Minerbi at the University of Hawai’i with Choreography by Carl Wolz and Music by Francis Poulenc and “Undertow,” below, performed by Jenny Hendry Mair, Camille Monson, and Corbett Stern with music by Taimane Gardner.
Pre- Post- and Dance Class Exercises
My library of Ballet & Dance video resources includes theoretical and historical lessons, movement tutorials, and practice sessions and is handily grouped into thematic playlists many of which as suitable to beginners, such as:
- Ballet Barre Playlist
- Ballet Centre Playlist
- Wonderful Dance Warmup Playlist
- Balletlicious Ballet Conditioning & Cross-Training Playlist
- Sumptuous Stretching Playlist
Targeted Training Zones Playlists
Hone in on specific body parts:
Creative Dance for All Ages
While most of my free online content is for teens and adults, I also have family-friendly and all-ages offerings, like:
Music Playlists for Movement
I curate a host of playlists around seasonal, technical, and historic themes for my live and online classes, improvisation, choreography, and so forth. Many of these I share with my audience in my weekly email newsletter, on social media, and in blog articles.
Other Sources & Creators
As much as I love sharing things with you that I have made myself, it delights me no end to also promote the work of the people who inspire me! Like that of:
- Virginia Holte, my original ballet teacher and mentor, who is featured on Podcast #50: Interview with Mentor Virginia Holte, bringing ballet to the Big Island of Hawaii and whose organization, West Hawai’i Dance Theatre & Academy, I wholeheartedly support
- My NCSA classmate Katy Pyle founded the Ballez company in New York City as an alternative to traditionally rigid gender roles in classical ballet and whose latest work, “Travesty Doll Play Ballet after Coppellia” is also the topic of a new documentary
- Another NCSA classmate Matthew Donnell has turned into an influential dance educator himself and I was glad we could chat in: Humor and Wisdom from the Multi-Passionate Dancing Life of Matthew Donnell
- Fumi Somehara is an anti-diet dietician in the dance space
- Jolynne Anderson is my life coach from during my own coach training program and a joyful mover herself, and the topic of this insightful article and podcast
- The authors of the influential authors of the titles I shared in my Blythe’s Beloved Ballet Books Video
- And many, many, more to come…
Questions for Reflection
- How will you get dancey for Dance Week & Day?
- What kind of dance (or art) would you like to create?
- How do you adapt movement to different dancers, places, and situations?
- Who are your favorite dancers, companies, and creators to follow?
- What creative challenges are you currently facing?
For those of you outside Hawai’i, stay tuned for my upcoming Ignite the Spark of Your Creativity Challenge for International Coaching Week…
Let’s keep in touch, keep dancing, and never hesitate to let me know if I can be of service!
Blythe Stephens, MFA, Bliss Catalyst
they/them or she/her
Creator of A Blythe Coach: dance through your difficulties
and take leaps of faith into a joyful, fulfilling life
DISCLAIMER: A Blythe Coach recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.