A Blythe Coach

5 Ways to Get Down Daily – how to build a habit of creative dance

Want to make mindful movement and creativity a daily ritual?

This is a recap of my 5-Day “Get Down Daily” Dance Challenge on Instagram (hence the portrait video format).

The following bite-sized movement explorations can help build a habit of joyful exploratory movement and creative expression. Originally created in celebration of National Dance Week, you may use these five prompts and responses to inspire your own improvisation and choreographic research anytime!

We will develop a joyful daily creative dance practice that is accessible to a variety of abilities and experience levels and achievable in minutes a day. Be amazed at the far-reaching impacts such a practice can have in your life.

Here is the video compilation of the 5 prompts and my responses on YouTube

1. 1 Body Part, 1 Minute

Prompt No.1 [01:10] – Choose 1 Body Part or segment, explore for 1 Minute. Can isolate that part only or initiate movement with that part that impacts other areas as well. If you’ve got time, repeat the process with other parts!

2. Musical Improvisation

Prompt No.2 [03:08] – Musical Improvisation. Pick a piece of music, old or new, that moves you and boogie.

3. Site-Specific Exploration

Prompt No.3 [06:29] – Site-Specific Exploration. Use whatever space you have or seek one out that you have access to. Small or large works, video is a space too. Notice how my move in this environment, respond to what you see and sense.

4. Costume/Character

Prompt No.4 [07:15]- Costume/Character Embodiment. Try different clothing or accessories, could be a skirt, shirt, hat, shoes, or a whole outfit or costume. Take on a disguise, be a different version of yourself or someone else entirely.

5. Eyes Closed

Prompt No.5 [08:45] – Eyes Closed Somatic Sensing. Carefully and slowly notice your movements with your eyes closed or softly focused. How are shapes and shaping, movements and relationship to your surroundings without a visual representation?

Continue Your Creative Habit

These prompts are truly just an appetizer though, and I have many more tools, existing and future workshops on designing your own creative practices and making dances.

I hope you have found responding to these movement prompts insightful and fun, and that your artistic adventure is ongoing!

Resources for Further Exploration

Questions for Reflection

  • What creative practices do you enjoy?
  • How could a mindful movement or creative dance enhance your life?
  • What do you dream of creating?

Let’s keep in touch, keep dancing, and never hesitate to let me know if I can be of service!

Blythe Stephens, MFA, Bliss Catalyst
they/them or she/her
Creator of A Blythe Coach: dance through your difficulties
and take leaps of faith into a joyful, fulfilling life

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