Creative challenges like Camp NaNoWriMo can provide structure to launch your prolific writing or artistic career.
Creative challenges like Camp NaNoWriMo can provide structure to launch your prolific writing or artistic career.
The following bite-sized movement explorations can help build a habit of joyful exploratory movement and creative expression. Originally created in celebration of National Dance Week, you may use these five prompts and responses to inspire your own improvisation and choreographic research anytime!
We will develop a joyful daily creative dance practice that is accessible to a variety of abilities and experience levels and achievable in minutes a day. Be amazed at the far-reaching impacts such a practice can have in your life.
Haiku #99 of 2021 by Blythe C. Stephens (inspired by Emerson) Poet as sayerrecognize experience,beauty, report back My Passion for Poetry I love poetry! I enjoy reading it, writing it, sharing it, using it for teaching and inspiring choreography. What do you use poetry for? Who are your favorite authors? Ever since I was a […]
My daily ritual has grown to include practices that facilitate physical, mental, and spiritual well being and abundant creativity. When I complete these actions on a daily basis, I develop clarity and momentum, feel inspired and strong, experience less pain, and am able to coach, dance, teach, write, and engage with ideas and people in a well-grounded and present way.
As my birthday falls in June (this year is an especially notable one), I like to reflect at this time of year, considering the last year in my life as well as the 6 months since the official New Year. I relish celebrating my accomplishments and plotting my next steps to progress with my priorities. […]
Spring cleaning this month included the fridge, and it was high time! To entice myself to do that cleaning and improve the kitchen environment and my own nutrition this season, I bought some nice jars for my minimal “meal prep,” in order to have something good ready to snack on at all times. My habits […]
In this blog, I’m sharing my theme for 2021 and the goals and projects I’ll tackle in the coming year! This will be my final blog of 2020, and I’ll pick up in January with goal-setting and achievement for dancers, yoga and dance techniques, and more. Please let me know what topics you’d most like […]
MY HABITS HISTORY Having been a personal growth/development/organization/productivity nerd for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been enthusiastic about new goals and healthy habits, but I’ve struggled to keep them going over time. Beyond the basics of brushing and flossing my teeth, preventive medical care, drinking water, getting enough sleep, a fairly nutritious […]
First of all, however long you’ve been tuned in, reading, watching, dancing along, etc. I want to THANK YOU so much for being here this year as I started this blog here on my new website, as well as the A Blythe Coach YouTube Channel and Podcast, and offered classes online for the first time! […]