In this blog, I’m sharing my theme for 2021 and the goals and projects I’ll tackle in the coming year! This will be my final blog of 2020, and I’ll pick up in January with goal-setting and achievement for dancers, yoga and dance techniques, and more. Please let me know what topics you’d most like to hear about next!

I think it is important to put my annual stand and project objectives in the context of my life’s purpose, my essence (or what I bring to the party of life), mission, and vision. Then as I create my projects and take action throughout the year, I can see how it is all, down to my tiniest habit, in service to my reason for being. Becoming aware of all of these facets of my identity has been a process of introspection, counseling, coaching and discovery.
Ever since I read Write it Down, Make it Happen**, by Henrietta Anne Klauser around 2006, I’ve been extra validated in my belief that recording and processing my thoughts on paper puts out an energy that helps them unfold in the universe. That was also a time where I was plotting many future visions which have since unfolded, including my Life Coach Training, Yoga Teacher Training, Dance Educational Leadership, MFA, and more.
I talk about my history with goal-setting and the processes I’ve used in the past and what I’m trying out now in my YouTube video on the topic:
Blythe’s Purpose: Joy
Essence: Buoyant, Creative, Curious, Love, Leader
Mission: Uplift and catalyze others through creativity, dance & yoga education, & coaching.
Vision: Inspire and equip students and clients as citizens to live joyful, extraordinary lives.
Through Actions: live and video-recorded yoga, ballet, and dance classes; ontological life coaching; free content such as a blog, articles, & books; prolific creativity in areas like poetry, choreography, and educational content; gratitude and satisfaction in every moment, fun & festivity.
2020 Theme: Courage/Mut; 2021 Theme: Abundance/Reichtum
Specific projects, skills, habits, and accomplishments I’m seeking in 2021:
Business & Contribution: A Blythe Coach
Write and publish at least one Book, B1 Deutsch, Positively impact many students: teach 10 live classes per week, Gain Patrons, Email Newsletter Subscribers, Coaching Clients, Yoga and Ballet students, Renew German Work Visa, Study/Practice: Writing, Marketing (Content and Social Media), Yoga (Chakras, Pranayama, Mudras, Adaptive Yoga and yoga sequencing), & Social Justice
Financial Planning Calculate Minimum Viable Income, Earn that as an entrepreneur educator, Update my Business Plan, Savings, Pay Student Loans, Invest, [Buy a Motorcycle Medium-Term Plan]
Fun & Adventure
German Drivers’ License, Renew US Passport, Travel again when we can with many adventures both to visit friends and family and on romantic trips together, music, hobbies, pleasure reading, crafts, cooking and baking
Spiritual Growth
Meditation Challenge (+1 minute/day per month), Daily Devotional , Read the Qu’ran, observe seasons and holidays
Attend to relationships including romantic, family, and friendships; write love notes, make phone calls, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries
Health & Well Being
Physical Therapy, Workouts, Pull-Up and Handstand goals, preventive care
HOW I WILL BE PRESENT to my goals and vision for the year and the smaller steps toward them: making plans and tracking progress in my Bullet Journal, creating Project Designs for larger objectives, breaking them into doable daily and weekly habits, noting progress in said habits and project action steps, weekly and monthly reviews, quarterly and semi-annual check-ins, treats and celebration of milestones large and small.
I will also be doing completion work on 2020/the past (great for Winter Solstice and end-of-year) in order to let go of the past and evaluate my current context and resources to help me accomplish my goals/be in my Essence.
I stand for your greatness, and am here to support your projects in the following ways:
- Individual Classes in “Yummy Gentle Yoga for Dancers and those who want to be more dancerly” and “Yummy Gentle Ballet Barre for Yogis and dancers of other styles” are nice for those who want to sample such a live class on Zoom
- One-Month Unlimited Yoga/Ballet flat rate “class cards” make a good gift to build a yoga or dance practice, and I also have Monthly Unlimited Yoga/Ballet class recurring memberships on Patreon, at a discount off one-month flat rate, for those who want to practice consistently
- Personal Ontological Coaching monthly subscriptions are available for those interested in transformation in 2021, moving powerfully forward in the direction of your dreams
- Free educational content on my Podcast, YouTube Channel, and Blog. New offerings each week, lots of great resources! To support this work, I set up Patreon Patron monthly memberships at three levels: Entry Level (early access to video content, media library, community, etc.), Live Classes (+access to live classes), Private Classes (+private weekly lessons in dance or yoga)
- For those local here in Cologne, or who want access to classes live on Zoom as well as recorded classes in a wide variety of styles ) mostly in German, some in English), consider a Tanzschule Tanzraum Membership
If you are reading in real time, there’s just one more chance to take my “Yummy Gentle Yoga for Dancers” and “Yummy Gentle Ballet Barre for Yogis” classes this year! This Tuesday morning, 22.12.2020 (Monday evening in HI/US) I will host my last classes before,I take a break until 5.1.2021 🙂
Meanwhile, you’re invited to join my 2021 Meditation Challenge! Or, take on daily yoga or another challenge of your choosing, decide on a minimal daily practice starting point (I recommend 3-5 minutes to start with), then increasing by one minute each month. My goal is to get from my current 12 minutes of meditation to about 20-25 minutes/day by the end of the year.
Tell me what your dreams, intentions, and projects are for 2021 by sending me a message here or on the A Blythe Coach Facebook Page.
Wishing You Healthy & Happy Holidays & a Magical New Year!
Blythe Stephens
She/her or they/them
A Blythe Coach:
Dance Education & Coaching to move through life with balance, grace, & power
** I have included links to recommend some of my very favorite books and as a reader, lifelong learner, and academic I hope you enjoy my recommendations. These are Amazon Affiliate links, and if you purchase them I stand to receive a percentage, cool!
DISCLAIMER: A Blythe Coach recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.
Pingback: 2021 Goals 6-Month Reflection and Re-Set | A Blythe Coach
Pingback: Reflecting on 2021 - glows, what's so, grows, & what's next | A Blythe Coach
Pingback: Say the Magic Words: Musings on Resonant Affirmations, Powerful Phrases, Prayers, Stands, & Mantra | A Blythe Coach