A Blythe Coach

Tag: Ontological Coaching

10 Ways to Joyfully Work with Me in 2023 – Connect, Collaborate, & Contribute to A Blythe Coach

Perhaps you already enjoy my offerings in-studio or online and would like to know in what ways we might further collaborate, or you are interested in supporting me in expanding what I can provide for your befit and that of others.

Whether your interests lie in mindful movement, dance, coaching, education, or personal growth, I’ve got something for you, and you’ve also got oodles of potential ways to support me in return 🙂

Why Bother Distinguishing Your Why? 5 Tips for Purposeful Living, Inspiration, Meaning & Motivation

Distinguishing our life’s Purpose can provide a compass “True North” that guides all actions and decision making to accomplish/be what you are on earth for.

Reflecting on 2021 – glows, what’s so, grows, & what’s next

I think it’s important to look back and celebrate my wins, strategizing what’s missing, what I can let go, and what I will re-commit to creating in terms of my habits, action steps, plans and milestones to foster my success in designing a creative and bountiful 2022.

Joyful Movement & Creative Living with Life Coach Jolynne Anderson

In episode #71 of the A Blythe Coach Podcast, available as a YouTube video as well as an audio-only podcast below, you have the treat of meeting Jolynne Anderson, my original life coach and an inspiring person of possibility. She’ll give you just the boost you need, tools to get to your authentic self, and a process to reinvent every aspect of your life.

2021 Goals 6-Month Reflection and Re-Set

It’s unbelievable, but we are already 6 months into 2021, and I relish reflecting on half a year of learning and growth around the same time that I celebrate my birthday in June. This year has had its share of challenges as well, and it’s also an opportunity to contemplate grief and growth. I personally […]

Reflective Practice Through Journaling in Dance, Yoga, & Life

As my birthday falls in June (this year is an especially notable one), I like to reflect at this time of year, considering the last year in my life as well as the 6 months since the official New Year. I relish celebrating my accomplishments and plotting my next steps to progress with my priorities.  […]

Approaches to Space: Qualities of Focus in Dance & Life

What qualities of focus are required to be a creative and effective person? How do dancers attend to the space within and around them, using focus to direct the viewer’s attention and to give shape to their environment? Let’s start with four haiku poems I wrote to distill qualities of focus as introduction to the […]

Artful Archiving, Paper Purging, & Minsgame March

As I mentioned in the “My Minimalism Memoir” Blog and Podcast 041, having first played in 2019 in preparation to move to Cologne, I played the 30-Day Minimalist Game (or “Minsgame”) again this March, in order to curb encroaching clutter so that I have more space for what is most important. Now this round of […]

Attitudes to Time in Dance & Life: relating to and transforming conceptions of time

“Time is a matter of how long the duration between two events takes to achieve itself.” (The Nikolais/Louis Dance Technique* p.176) In “real time,” we have just had St. Patrick’s Day, are looking ahead at the end of March and Lent, and here in Cologne it is very much spring. Daylight savings has already sprung […]

Move Your Body: Minimalist Fitness for Maximal Well-Being

I am realizing that there are two ways to look at my approach to achieving my goals, especially when it comes to today’s topic of physical fitness and training: there is the positive interpretation, or “efficient,” and the negative way, or “lazy.”  But it doesn’t matter how my behavior is interpreted, as long as it […]

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