A Blythe Coach

Tag: Health

Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive, Week 2

Welcome to week two of my first offering of the Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive! If you have not yet read or participated in Week 1, please go back to this blog and podcast for the full scoop on the suggested program and ways to make it your own! In week two, we are focused […]

Seeking Sweet Sleep: Yogic Insomnia Solutions

I’ve been listening to the Audiobook version of Eat, Pray, Love recently (I know, finally!) and Elizabeth Gilbert puts a fine point on the importance of sleep in our lives, divulging that during a particularly difficult part of her life following divorce she was treated for depression, including her last resort of taking medication: “I […]

Stand, Objectives, & Projects for 2021

In this blog, I’m sharing my theme for 2021 and the goals and projects I’ll tackle in the coming year! This will be my final blog of 2020, and I’ll pick up in January with goal-setting and achievement for dancers, yoga and dance techniques, and more. Please let me know what topics you’d most like […]

Healthy Habit-Building

MY HABITS HISTORY Having been a personal growth/development/organization/productivity nerd for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been enthusiastic about new goals and healthy habits, but I’ve struggled to keep them going over time.  Beyond the basics of  brushing and flossing my teeth, preventive medical care, drinking water, getting enough sleep, a fairly nutritious […]

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