A Blythe Coach

Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive, Week 2

Welcome to week two of my first offering of the Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive! If you have not yet read or participated in Week 1, please go back to this blog and podcast for the full scoop on the suggested program and ways to make it your own!

In week two, we are focused on finding a Centered State of Being and connecting with the element of Fire, with more stability and core work, exercises for integration, and expanded dance movements.

Podcast 059 is the audio version of this blog, but scroll down to the Week 2 Overview and Basic Schedule for links to videos for my recommended exercises for the week

It still requires only 15 minutes or so per day, and can be expanded with my ballet and dance exercises, full-length classes online or in-person, dance appreciation and criticism viewing, improvisation, learning dance repertory, composition/choreography…the sky’s the limit!

For the basic dance conditioning/injury prevention/cross-training program, we continue our Ankle ABC’s, Planking Pleasures, and calisthenic variations from last week (Jelly Jumping Jacks, Luscious Lunges, Scrumptious Squats, Tempting Tricep Dips, and Push it Up!), introducing new foot work (Towel Toes), cross-training (Caterpillar Walks), dance warmups (Kicky Leg Kicks, Sweet Leg Swings), and ballet movements (Powerful Plies, Tempting Tendus, Port de Bras Story).

I would be delighted to work with you individually to help design and execute your ideal training program- just email me at blythe@ablythecoach.com to book a consultation

Week 1 Follow-Up

Recommended Viewing: “Strange Fruit” by Pearl Primus, for more on Pearl Primus (the choreographer of the week 1 recommended viewing) consider this history video and this article as well.

Recommended Writing: We used the Needs Assessment + Goal Setting tool (and if you missed it, you can do so now) to strategize the design of your personalized program & the Dance Appreciation Observation Tool to remember details of dance appreciation recommended viewing above for future reference, writing, and choreographic inspiration

Recommended Reading for Weeks 1 & 2: Elements of Dance: The Body, Shape, Action; Ballet Movement Vocabulary Hyperdoc (links to videos and blogs)

Oh hello! Look forward to seeing you in the studio live this week or virtually 🙂

Week 2 Overview

Recommended Viewing: For dance appreciation, the full “Don Quixote” ballet (link to the version by Carlos Acosta at the Royal Ballet), and for learning performance repertory, the “Queen of the Dryads” variation from “Don Quixote” performed by Maria Khoreva at the Mariiksky Ballet (more info about the ballet also included in the description for the video). I will be teaching modifications of this well-loved dance this summer to adapt it to beginning through advanced dancers.

Recommended Listening: Finding a Centered State of Being podcast

Week 2 Basic Daily Schedule

Day 8: Towel Toes (5:20), Planking Pleasures (@2:38-5:34), & Full Micro-Workout (@4:42 to practice, then however many sets you prefer) OR Push It Up! (1:33-3:45) & Jelly Jumping Jacks (@5:58-8:22) [13 minutes]

Day 9: Ankle Alphabets (@00:47-2:30), Oh Wow! Cat-Cow (@3:37-5:32), Sensational Caterpillar Walks (7:30 *OR Push it Up!*),  Jelly Jumping Jacks (@5:58-8:22), Beatific Boats (6:06) [15-20 minutes]

Day 10: Planking Pleasures (@2:38-5:34), Sensational Caterpillar Walks (@5:48-6:56), Powerful Pliés (16:55 or practice @12:53-16:55), Plush Paralleleves (5:49) [20-25 minutes]

Day 11: Towel Toes (@2:05-5:01), Sensational Caterpillar Walks (@5:48-6:56), Kicky Floor Kicks (8:37), Wonderful Whirligigs (5:49) [15-20 minutes]

Day 12: Ankle Alphabets (@00:47-2:30), Kicky Floor Kicks (@6:02-8:14), Plush Paralleleves (@3:17-5:28), Wonderful Whirligigs (@4:05-5:12), Powerful Pliés (@12:53-16:55), Tempting Tendus (9:49, practice @5:57-9:05) [15-20 minutes]

Day 13: Towel Toes (@2:05-5:01), Planking Pleasures (@2:38-5:34), Kicky Floor Kicks (@6:02-8:14), Powerful Pliés (@12:53-16:55), Tempting Tendus (@5:57-9:05) [16 minutes] …or take the day off and rest or get outside 🙂

Day 14: Ankle Alphabets (@00:47-2:30), Sensational Caterpillar Walks (@5:48-6:56), Powerful Pliés (@12:53-16:55), Tempting Tendus (@5:57-9:05) [10 minutes] …or take the day off and rest or get outside 🙂

Expanding + Adapting the Dance Intensive

If you have more experience and are in condition for dancing, explore my YouTube Playlists: Ballet Barre and Ballet Centre, Wonderful Dance Warmup, Sumptuous Stretching, Micro-Workout, Yogalicious, Beautiful Breathing, & The 7 Movements of Ballet, Concentrated Core Conditioning, Foot & Ankle Conditioning, Arm Artistry, & Legs, Legs, Legs.

Also new this week is my 45-minute Floor-Based Yoga for Energy practice, great if you’re needing more pep in your step to get dancing!

I am going “Live” every weekday on social media to practice the day’s movements together and answer your questions, so join me there for more fun and support 🙂

Meanwhile, I would like to know: 

  • How do you cultivate energy, wakefulness, and presence?
  • What physical skill and what mental skill are you developing this week?
  • How can I serve you?

Send me an email at blythe@ablythecoach.com or come visit me at the A Blythe Coach Facebook Page to respond, I love hearing from you!

A Blythe Coach: Dance Education & Coaching 
move through life with balance, grace, & power
A Blythe Coach on Facebook & Instagram
Convertkit Commerce Unlimited Online Monthly Ballet & Yoga Classes 

DISCLAIMER: A Blythe Coach recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.

2 thoughts on “Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive, Week 2

  1. Pingback: Adaptive Adult Summer Dance Intensive, Week 3 | A Blythe Coach

  2. Pingback: Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive Week 4: Completion & Continuation | A Blythe Coach

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