A Blythe Coach

Tag: Adaptive

Daring Yoga Dancer Pose: the story, strategy & benefits of Natarajasana

Natarajana / King Dancer / Lord of the Dance Pose, more commonly referred to simply as “Dancer,” is an iconic and challenging yoga pose that invites us to discover our own courage and compassion.

Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive, Week 2

Welcome to week two of my first offering of the Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive! If you have not yet read or participated in Week 1, please go back to this blog and podcast for the full scoop on the suggested program and ways to make it your own! In week two, we are focused […]

Adaptive Adult Summer Dance Intensive 2021

Summer can be a fruitful time to advance our craft, with warm weather and time off from school or (sometimes) work to focus on developing dancing strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, skills, & repertory. Even famous ballet pedagogue Agrippina Vaganova remarked on the particular value of working on your ballet technique in the summer months. Back […]

Move Your Body: Minimalist Fitness for Maximal Well-Being

I am realizing that there are two ways to look at my approach to achieving my goals, especially when it comes to today’s topic of physical fitness and training: there is the positive interpretation, or “efficient,” and the negative way, or “lazy.”  But it doesn’t matter how my behavior is interpreted, as long as it […]

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