A Blythe Coach

Self-Care September list of activities that nourish me in my Bullet Journal.

Self-Care September – Practicing Exquisite Well-Being in Order to Serve

I find Self-Care September to be very well-timed to balance what can be a very demanding time of year, with Back-to-School, the end of Quarter 3, the holidays and a new year looming.

In September this year I shared some examples on social media, such as the importance (for me, personally) of bountiful Snacks when on-the-go, feel-good Stretching, stocking up on my Creative Supplies, taking time for Mindful Movement, and cooking up early-fall snacks like Apple Cinnamon Muffins, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Popcorn among other favorites.

Creative planning in my Bullet Journal, here Self-Care September 2024 spread

Self-Care for Community

Self-Care need not be selfish, and in fact the concept stems from community organizing, social activism, and sustaining service to others. A summary of this history can be found in Lenora E. Houseworth’s article The Radical History of Self-Care:

“Trailblazers and former Black Panther leaders Angela Davis and Ericka Huggins adopted mindfulness techniques and movement arts like yoga and meditation while incarcerated. Following their release, they both began championing the power of proper nutrition and physical movement to preserve one’s mental health while navigating an inequitable, sociopolitical system, creating wellness programs for adults and children in recreational centers across the country, in neighborhoods like Brooklyn, New York, and Oakland, California…By the 1980s, activist and writer Audre Lorde amplified the intersectionality of self-care and civil rights as she dealt with cancer, in her book A Burst of Light: and Other Essays, which now stands as a manifesto for the Black female identity.”

It is worthwhile to take a critical look at how corporations/capitalism have co-opted Self-Care and make sure we take on practices that are accessible, authentic, and promote true well-being. We do not have full control over our health and well-being as individuals and it is therefore important to focus on where we can make an impact for ourselves and others.

Self-Care September Structure

I first learned about Self-Care September as a month-long challenge from Laura Burns, @radicalbodylove on Instagram who shared this year: “If you’ve been around a while, you may know that every year I host a month-long celebration of all things SELF CARE related. What you may not know is that it’s really stressful and tiring, and often my own self-care suffers in the process. ⁠

For our 10th year celebrating this amazing topic I’m changing things up! Instead of a daily theme, we’re going to have weekly themes. That way I can practice what I preach and focus on actual self care in my life.”

For daily prompts to inspire your own self-care practices all September (or any month!) long, check out her 2022 Daily Prompts (the 9th annual celebration) or those of prior years.

I’ve come up with lots of ideas in my Bullet Journal Brainstorming spreads for 2023, below, and 2024, above. It’s your time of self-care, so you do you, when you want, how you want!

Self-Care September 2023 Bullet Journal Spread (snuggling in bed!)

Simple Self-Care

Here are a few places to look when seeking to up your own self-care game and feel refreshed. Just start somewhere, start small, fun, and easy and enjoy the benefits. Let me know how I can support you, as well!

Rest, Recovery & Energy Support

Sleep, rest, and relaxation are important elements of self-care as well as promoting and managing our energy. I’ve written on the topic before and will continue to sing the praises of rest to restore our powers of patience, positivity, ability to learn and achieve:


Adequate nutrition is important for dancers and all people, as is a healthy relationship with food and body:

15-Minute Start-the-Day Circles, Spirals, Roll & Stretch Video on YouTube

Mindful Movement

Dancing, yoga, stretching, going for a walk, hike, or bike ride, these all fill my mindful movement cup. For others it pay be participating in favorite sports, martial arts, or going for a swim.

Above, a fresh YouTube video with my 15-Minute Start-the-Day Circles, Spirals, Roll & Stretch warmup, and following more ideas to move you:

Meditation, Breathing, Yoga Nidra

Focusing the breath, a mantra, guided visualization, constructive rest, Yoga Nidra/Non-Sleep Deep Rest and other techniques are wonderful supports for self-care:

Straddle side stretch screenshot from my Lithely Leaning video on YouTube

Mood Music

A particularly accessible way to shift the mood is to put on fitting music. Sometimes I love to wallow in sadness or bittersweet emotion, other times get all pumped with fiery energy or be moved to celebrate life with joy. Some music includes And I’m always down for music that makes me want to dance!

Coaching Support & Accountability

Having trained with Accomplishment Coaching, I have many tools to support well-being, which I use myself and with clients. A free way to receive community support and accountability is to participate in a creative challenge, or maybe you want to experience the power of one-one-one personal life coaching to take your practices from self-care and maintenance to leader- or artist-care:

Rose Garden at Fort X in Cologne, one of my top locations for Artist Dates

Questions for Reflection

  • What practices support your well-being?
  • Which skills or habits are you working on currently? 
  • Which simple steps or structures of support are missing that could make a difference?
  • Which sounds, music, or soundtrack inspire you to study, write, or create?
  • What essential items nourish your creativity and productivity?
  • How do you organize your thoughts, ideas, plans, and studies?
  • How can I support you in self-care, self-love, self-actualization?

Resources for Further Exploration

Self-care poem 2024

Of course, Self-Care is important all year! You can try these ideas out anytime, and I will continue to pass along resources I think you will find valuable.

Upcoming articles and special offerings for a creative season, and until then the best way to keep up-to-date on everything I’m coaching, teaching, creating and sharing about as well as my favorite work from other creators is to subscribe to my weekly email newsletter.

Glad to connect with you here, there, on social media (IG @ablythecoach), online or in-person!

Blythe Stephens, MFA & Bliss Catalyst
she/her or they/them
Creator of A Blythe Coach @ablythecoach
helping multi-passionate creatives dance through their difficulties,
taking leaps of faith into fulfillment through coaching, yoga & dance education

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