A Blythe Coach

Tag: Inquiry

Dance Daily December Recap – 31 Days of Movement to Change Your Life & 7 ways it did

Right now we need to feel good and move for change more than ever, therefore I’m taking on a personal challenge to dance every day in December and inviting you to join in, too!

Thus we will move mindfully and joyfully through the winter holidays and into 2025. Or you can take the challenge and repeat as desired at any time of year.

Dance Daily December & into the New Year – 31 Days of Movement to Change Your Life

Right now we need to feel good and move for change more than ever, therefore I’m taking on a personal challenge to dance every day in December and inviting you to join in, too!

Thus we will move mindfully and joyfully through the winter holidays and into 2025. Or you can take the challenge and repeat as desired at any time of year.

5 Ways to Get Down Daily – how to build a habit of creative dance

The following bite-sized movement explorations can help build a habit of joyful exploratory movement and creative expression. Originally created in celebration of National Dance Week, you may use these five prompts and responses to inspire your own improvisation and choreographic research anytime!

We will develop a joyful daily creative dance practice that is accessible to a variety of abilities and experience levels and achievable in minutes a day. Be amazed at the far-reaching impacts such a practice can have in your life.

Creamy Cecchetti-Inspired Port de Bras – Exploring Arm Artistry in Ballet Technique

Practicing the fluid upper body movements of ballet and creating lines with the arms, head, and body to beautiful music is one of my favorite elements of classical dancing. The way arm and upper body movements harmonize with those of the legs, the relationship to spatial geometry, and the range of expression available makes my heart sing.

Reflective Practice Through Journaling in Dance, Yoga, & Life

As my birthday falls in June (this year is an especially notable one), I like to reflect at this time of year, considering the last year in my life as well as the 6 months since the official New Year. I relish celebrating my accomplishments and plotting my next steps to progress with my priorities.  […]

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