A Blythe Coach

Tag: Power

Tourner – Turning, Rotation, & Revolution – Spinning Right Round in ballet & life

In her seminal collection of wisdom on classical ballet technique and pedagogy, Basic Principles of Classical Ballet: Russian Ballet Technique of Agrippina Vaganova, she states: “The first condition of good tours is an absolutely straight, held-together body. One should not lose the spot of the finish, and should always ‘feel’ the front so as not […]

Pleasing & Powerful Pliés in Ballet & Dance

I had long heard that “Plié is the first thing you learn and the last thing you master,” but had to look up who said it and adultballerinaproject.com says it was Suzanne Farrell, a famous ballerina whom I admired as a young dance student.
It’s one of the most amazing things to me that in ballet, as with other highly-sophisticated techniques, you can continue to learn new things about technique and artistry your whole life. The training never ends, no matter how “advanced” or masterful you become.
So it is with Plié. On the one hand, it’s just one of many steps a ballet dancer must learn, but it is also integral to modern dance and mastery of movement in general. All athletes could benefit from a little Plié in their lives.

Coming from Your Powerful Core: Calibrating a Centered State of Being for Yoga, Dance, & Life

Centering and integrating generates power for movement and taking effective action from the core of your being, your core values and beliefs, and your deepest and most efficient muscle groups providing a strong and effective powerhouse.

Seven Satisfying Connecting Steps in Ballet Technique

Here’s a healthy half-dozen ballet connecting steps to practice as you develop your dancing over the years, so many fun ways to get from one place to another!

Creamy Cecchetti-Inspired Port de Bras – Exploring Arm Artistry in Ballet Technique

Practicing the fluid upper body movements of ballet and creating lines with the arms, head, and body to beautiful music is one of my favorite elements of classical dancing. The way arm and upper body movements harmonize with those of the legs, the relationship to spatial geometry, and the range of expression available makes my heart sing.

Wake Up! Yoga for Energy & Enthusiasm

What fosters energy and youthful enthusiasm in your life? What rituals help you wake up and maintain mindful presence? I’m Blythe Stephens, and that’s what I’m exploring today and in episode 59 of the A Blythe Coach Podcast.

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