This is for my true Pen Friends, people who are nerdy about their writing tools and creative gear, and for my future self as I reflect on my journey, from the grand themes to the minute moments of beauty like those when pen meets paper.
This is for my true Pen Friends, people who are nerdy about their writing tools and creative gear, and for my future self as I reflect on my journey, from the grand themes to the minute moments of beauty like those when pen meets paper.
As a lifelong learner, educator and academic at heart, Back-to-School will always be an exciting concept for me. Living based in a temperate climate like I do in Cologne, Germany, as soon as I feel the first chill in the air and sight a colored leaf or Back-to-School sale, I feel a surge of energy, […]
I am studying, reading, and practicing a variety of “subjects” or “courses,” which overlap and could be grouped in different ways, which are related to my goals for the year. Topics encompass dance and movement, spiritual practice, creativity, business and finance (including sales and marketing), languages, travel and adventure, love, connection, and relationship.
Current Notebooks and Bullet Journaling system, capturing, processing, and archiving ideas for learning, productivity, and creativity.
Recently I received a question on social media about how I coach dancers who need to adapt in their careers, and I thought it would be great to address this in a blog article! Working with the right coach is an awesome move for dancers and other creatives in transition. Being creative by nature, it […]
Do you ever feel distracted, floaty, overwhelmed, or disconnected? Creating a stable, grounded, foundation is the first step in building a supportive yoga practice, dancing posture, and well-designed yet flexible life.
I think it’s important to look back and celebrate my wins, strategizing what’s missing, what I can let go, and what I will re-commit to creating in terms of my habits, action steps, plans and milestones to foster my success in designing a creative and bountiful 2022.
“Do not fear mistakes–there are none.” – Miles Davis
The research-based book on learning, Make it Stick, blew my mind a bit during my teacher credential program, especially finding out that the difficulty of recalling new information correctly correlates to the depth of the learning. That means the more I struggle to remember German words, as long as I try hard, keep practicing, and get corrections when I can, the more permanent and retrievable that information will be in the future.
Struggle and failure are inherent to learning, creativity, and dancing, so we would do well to learn to approach them with compassion.
It’s unbelievable, but we are already 6 months into 2021, and I relish reflecting on half a year of learning and growth around the same time that I celebrate my birthday in June. This year has had its share of challenges as well, and it’s also an opportunity to contemplate grief and growth. I personally […]
As my birthday falls in June (this year is an especially notable one), I like to reflect at this time of year, considering the last year in my life as well as the 6 months since the official New Year. I relish celebrating my accomplishments and plotting my next steps to progress with my priorities. […]