A Blythe Coach

Tag: Productivity

Annual Refresh – Reflection, Clearing, & Planning Process

Doesn’t it feel good to do a thorough clear-out at the beginning of a new chapter in your life? Our physical, mental, digital, and analog systems can all use a periodic audit to make sure we are on track to live the life we intend. The following methods bring order to chaos, help me reflect, […]

Order & Inspiration out of Chaos – BuJo Setup 2022 – Journaling for Balance & Creativity

In the last couple of years I’ve picked up bullet journaling as a component of my goal-setting, project-planning, annual, monthly, and weekly organization system. It resonates for me because as a kid I loved scrapbooking and collage, as well as personal growth, and as a coach I promote finding what works for my clients in terms of their systems.

6 Things to Omit from your Morning Ritual for Mindful Creativity – Building Blissful Morning Boundaries

While writing about the evolution of my morning ritual, I realized that the sacred time I spend preparing for my day is as much about what I avoid doing as the actions that I choose to take. That is, in order for me to focus and get into the head space I require, there are platforms and activities that I save for when my ritual is complete, later in the day, or that I skip altogether.

My Creative Morning Ritual

My daily ritual has grown to include practices that facilitate physical, mental, and spiritual well being and abundant creativity. When I complete these actions on a daily basis, I develop clarity and momentum, feel inspired and strong, experience less pain, and am able to coach, dance, teach, write, and engage with ideas and people in a well-grounded and present way.

Artful Archiving, Paper Purging, & Minsgame March

As I mentioned in the “My Minimalism Memoir” Blog and Podcast 041, having first played in 2019 in preparation to move to Cologne, I played the 30-Day Minimalist Game (or “Minsgame”) again this March, in order to curb encroaching clutter so that I have more space for what is most important. Now this round of […]

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