A Blythe Coach

Order & Inspiration out of Chaos – BuJo Setup 2022 – Journaling for Balance & Creativity

Bullet journaling
present what’s most important
focused log of life

(My Haiku #317 of 2021)

As a self-employed/freelance movement educator and coach who works live in-studio and online and always has an array of projects going, my life can be chaotic! This lifestyle demands organization and tracking, and I need to constantly be fueling my creativity as well.

In the last couple of years I’ve picked up bullet journaling as a component of my goal-setting, project-planning, annual, monthly, and weekly organization system. It resonates for me because as a kid I loved scrapbooking and collage, as well as personal growth, and as a coach I promote finding what works for my clients in terms of their systems.

Bullet Journal Setup 2022

BuJo Setup – Oder & Inspiration out of Chaos video on YouTube

[This is my first video from above/over my shoulder with my new ring light/tripod, so it is predictably imperfect, with cameos from the top of my head and nose. Partway through I adjusted and the angle improved, but thanks for your patience with my amateur video skills. It’s all a learning experience!]

Here I’m getting down to the nitty-gritty of how I organize my Bullet Journal as a tool for productivity and creativity (as well as balance and rest! Cycles are an important element, as we shall see…)

Last year was the first where I really dove into using a Bullet Journal for most of my planning and tracking (though some elements are still digitized, and I have other notebooks for different purposes as well). In the last couple of years I’ve been learning about bullet journaling as a component of my goal-setting, project-planning, annual, monthly, and weekly organization system.

As a kid I loved scrapbooking and collage, as well as personal growth, as a coach I promote that clients find what works for them in terms of their systems, and I discovered that aesthetically pleasing habit trackers fostered consistency.

This year I’ve taken what I learned from last year’s experience, as well as a few new supplies, and am having a blast creating my spreads and using them on a daily basis!

Basic Elements of my BuJo

I walk through each of these elements in the video above, and here are the basic contents of my current bullet journal.

First we have a Key of symbols I use in my weekly/daily bullet journaling to represent tasks, completed tasks, those which I need to migrate forward to the next week or back to the future log, events, and notes.

On the inside cover of the journal, I have some collage and a copy of the “Morning Manifesto” I wrote inspired by Seana Barbes and Julia Cameron (_The Artist’s Way_) honoring my Artist Child, and reminding me of how I want to be in the world. This section also includes my Artist’s Prayer, Quotes, Essence, Purpose, Vision, and Mission.

Then we have my Index of where to find spreads and collections in this journal, so I can easily find the pages in the future.

Following is a spread with my Yearly Stand/Theme for 2022, which is Love, with Foci/Projects, activities, and practices/rituals/habits listed that support my stand.

Next is two spreads for my Future Log for the year, with three months per page of important events, birthdays, holidays, and monthly theme ideas.

Weekly & Monthly Spreads

After the Future Log follow individual Monthly Spreads, Weekly Spreads, and then further collections to track and take notes of what I’m up to, listed below. I don’t make daily spreads in my main bullet journal, instead daily tracking and notes are in small pocket notebook.

Weekly & Monthly BuJo Spreads video on YouTube

Project Collections

The projects I’ve been tracking so far in my BuJo this year include:

  • Reading Log: Title, Fiction or Nonfiction, Date completed, Rating 1-5 (Also on Goodreads)
  • Writing Log: Letters, Poems, Articles, Blogs, Books, Programs
  • Practice: Yoga, Meditation
  • Create: Video, Music, Podcasts, Cooking, Crafting
  • Connect: (not shown in YouTube video) friends, family, community (letters, Discovery Calls, 
  • Sustain: (not shown in YouTube video) Financial Goals and tracking
  • Inspiration for my current Lovingkindness meditation practice
  • Weekly & Morning Rituals, Moon Cycle
  • Astrology ideas from my birth chart
  • Tarot spread for the year, tapping into my intuition, (weekly card pull recorded in Weekly Spreads)

Hope you enjoyed that little voyeuristic peek into my planning process!

BuJo Brainstorm, Resources

Resources from people for whom Bullet Journaling is what they actually do:
Book: The Bullet Journal Method Ryder Carroll
YouTube Channels:
Erin Smith Art
Rachael Stephen
Reflect with Raksha 
Cat’s Planner
Amanda Rachel Lee
HAY Studio
Planning with Kay
Journal Away
Rylee Autumn
Shayda Campbell
Claudia Kai
Brent Galloway
Men Who Bullet

Blogs and videos by me on related topics of self-awareness, learning, and growth:

Questions for Reflection

  • What style of planning, journaling, reflecting, tracking, and record-keeping best suits you?
  • What do you want to be reminded of daily?
  • What projects are your highest priority this season?
  • What will you commit to in terms of journaling or reflective practice this week?

Let’s connect by email or on Instagram @ablythecoach, I would love to hear your perspective and nerd out some more on Bullet Journaling, organization, and creativity! 

Blythe Stephens, MFA
she/her or they/them
A Blythe Coach: Dance Education & Coaching 
move through life with balance, grace, & power

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