A Blythe Coach

Tag: Spring

Memories of a May Made of Adventures in California, Home in Hawai’i, dancing through jetlag back to Germany – 2024 Month 5 Review

Having prepared to fly in April and cruised to California for cousin, aunt, and uncle time at the end of the month, the first few days of May we spent showing Ela this lovely West Coast city, eating fish tacos and Mexican food, walking on beaches and piers, at the world famous zoo, through vintage and army surplus stores.

April was about Celebrating Spring, Dance Week, Travel Preparations & California Dreaming – 2024 Month 4 Review

The first part of my month was focused on teaching, coaching, and creating. In the later part of April preparations intensified for a trip home to the US, California and Hawai’i specifically, entailing international travel, packing, and lots of work for both of us as self-employed/freelancers.

It all paid off, as I learned and connected through the work I did, and we had a magical time flying carryon-only to San Diego, visiting with family and touristing there. In this post I’ll share much of what I did and made, then in May’s reflection upcoming, more details of the trip to San Diego and Kailua-Kona.

Arts of Allegro – Types of Jumps in Ballet, Modern Dance, & other forms

Given that I’ve been thinking and researching about this blog for a while, it’s serendipitous that I also just learned a new German saying: “Gehüpft wie gesprungen.” It means literally “Hopped as jumped,” or more-or-less “It doesn’t matter if you hop or jump to get there.” Sort of like the English “six of one, half […]

Roses Have Thorns: Time, Love, & Mortality in “Sleeping Beauty,” “Hamilton,” Poetry, & Life

CONTENT WARNING: Death, Mortality, Tribulations [but with the intent to create greater meaning and motivation in life!] To Free the Heart by Francis C. Anderson, Jr.  Through dreary sodden daysThe field sponged upThe greying skies. And now the sunLies soft as birth againAs if the earth had just begun.  And blossoms on the vinesDesigned in […]

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