A Blythe Coach

Tag: Success

Dealing with Difficult Developments – 15 Ways to Cope with Challenges & Setbacks

Hard times come to us all, so how can we bounce back and recover? Here are the tools that work for me when I need to cope with difficult developments and which I share with clients and students to support their commitment to what’s important in their lives despite setbacks.

Leaning on them now and curious to hear what you find works best for you!

Blogging My Purpose – the “Why” behind A Blythe Coach

Purpose-driven creative living is totally my jam.
So when Judith Peters, a.k.a. Sympatexter issued a #BlogYourPurpose challenge, I had to see what it was all about.

Goal-Setting for Dancers

Having worked with hundreds of high school, college, adult and graduate students in ballet and modern dance classes, I have learned to balance the stated objectives of the dance course with the expectations and personal goals of the individual students.  We all come to dance (or whatever artistic practices we pursue) for diverse reasons, and […]

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