A Blythe Coach

Tag: Transformation

How I coach dancers & creatives through difficulty into delight

Recently I received a question on social media about how I coach dancers who need to adapt in their careers, and I thought it would be great to address this in a blog article!  Working with the right coach is an awesome move for dancers and other creatives in transition. Being creative by nature, it […]

Joyful Movement & Creative Living with Life Coach Jolynne Anderson

In episode #71 of the A Blythe Coach Podcast, available as a YouTube video as well as an audio-only podcast below, you have the treat of meeting Jolynne Anderson, my original life coach and an inspiring person of possibility. She’ll give you just the boost you need, tools to get to your authentic self, and a process to reinvent every aspect of your life.

Attitudes to Time in Dance & Life: relating to and transforming conceptions of time

“Time is a matter of how long the duration between two events takes to achieve itself.” (The Nikolais/Louis Dance Technique* p.176) In “real time,” we have just had St. Patrick’s Day, are looking ahead at the end of March and Lent, and here in Cologne it is very much spring. Daylight savings has already sprung […]

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