A Blythe Coach

Tag: Word

To-Enjoy List for Quarter 4 – Blogtoberfest 2024 – finishing the year satisfied

Judith Peters, aka “Sympatexter” inspired me to not just write a yearly summary article, but to publish monthly reflections this year. Peters hosts a “Blogtober” blogging challenge in October, so I decided to jump in, with the theme this month being to write about what we’d like to accomplish and experience in the last quarter of 2024. On my list, some items are bigger or longer-term goals, some small, some Fall and holiday Bucket-List type items and small experiences to savor.

Quantum Leaping in 2024 – Word / Intention of the Year

2024 is a leap year and both the dynamic term “leap year” and idea of an additional juicy day during which to experience and accomplish things inspired me to choose it as my year’s stand or intention.

Standing in Beauty in 2023 – Word / Intention of the Year

Twenty twenty-three, lovely as can be, a time to create and witness BEAUTY! Resolutions Can’t Be Rushed To be honest, my reflection an reset/refresh process going into a new year does not end on January 1st, and I’m not starting 2o23 with my resolutions, goals, or intentions all fleshed out. Grateful to have had the […]

Say the Magic Words: Musings on Resonant Affirmations, Powerful Phrases, Prayers, Stands, & Mantra

Say the magic words: Please, Thank You, I’m Sorry.I love you.Help, Thanks, Wow.Hallelujah. In 2018 I went through a very rocky separation and second divorce. At the time, I was living in Honolulu, working on my secondary teaching credential and teaching in at least three locations every week, plus running an Airbnb in my two […]

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