A Blythe Coach

Tag: Goals

January was for Tango, Snow, Art, & Completion – 2024 Month 1 Review

The first week in January being school & studio holidays and furthermore part of the 12 Days of Christmas, we continued to take time off from regular teaching and work duties, recovering from the holidays and completing our celebration of the years past and freshly arrived.

Early 2024 in Cologne, the mood was very winter wonderland, with more snow than I’ve seen in the years I’ve lived in Germany so far! It was a study in contrasts, with cozy cuddles indoors, deep inner work, sparkling fun, and jumping right out of my comfort zone and into my vision for the year!

A Beautiful Year of Slow Creation & Growth – 2023 Reflections

In December I participated in Judith Peters’ aka Sympatexter’s blogging challenge called “Jahresrückblog,” in support of writing and sharing annual retrospective and reflection blog article. Love a bit of structured reflection and sharing insights that may be interesting or helpful to others!

As I’ve noted in previous years, it takes me a while to complete such a reflection process, so I didn’t click “publish” on the deadline of the challenge, but was well-served by the social media prompts, live and recorded support and community that the challenge provided.

Here I am now to share my thoughts on 2023, at least as I experienced it, and inspired to share more regular personal reflections of this nature in the form of monthly-ish blogs, in order to continue to connect with folks with similar values and interests for whom my work and being in the world resonates.

Quantum Leaping in 2024 – Word / Intention of the Year

2024 is a leap year and both the dynamic term “leap year” and idea of an additional juicy day during which to experience and accomplish things inspired me to choose it as my year’s stand or intention.

Autumn Equinox Magic – Rituals to Romance the Transition from Summer to Fall

Acknowledging the subtle and dramatic changes from season-to-season is one of the ways I like to celebrate life. Seasonal rituals help me celebrate each transition, acknowledge how I’ve learned and grown and what it’s time to let go. Today is the day before the autumn equinox if you’re here in real time, a great time […]

Creative Next Steps: Alphabet Superset Challenge – My Entrée to TikTok Dance (or whatever media you so choose)

The time is already here for a new creative challenge, and one crossed my path just recently that I’m excited to jump into, Struthless’ “Alphabet Superset” Challenge which will encompass 26 weeks of letter inspiration plus breaks, and lots of structures of support for all artists and creators, regardless of medium or experience level.

Writing True Stories to Reflect and Connect – Camp NaNoWriMo Recap

Here I’m sharing my results, what I learned from participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this year, and benefits you too might glean from such a personal writing practice.

Blogging My Purpose – the “Why” behind A Blythe Coach

Purpose-driven creative living is totally my jam.
So when Judith Peters, a.k.a. Sympatexter issued a #BlogYourPurpose challenge, I had to see what it was all about.

Charming Chosen Challenges – creative ways to try out or jumpstart a habit

Last October I tried out my first Inktober Drawing Challenge, and in January I’ve kept sketching going on a weekly basis. Drawing and visual arts is really a whole other way of being creative than my usual dancing and also very relevant to the enterprise of shape, shaping and space in my dance practice as […]

Annual Refresh – Reflection, Clearing, & Planning Process

Doesn’t it feel good to do a thorough clear-out at the beginning of a new chapter in your life? Our physical, mental, digital, and analog systems can all use a periodic audit to make sure we are on track to live the life we intend. The following methods bring order to chaos, help me reflect, […]

Standing in Beauty in 2023 – Word / Intention of the Year

Twenty twenty-three, lovely as can be, a time to create and witness BEAUTY! Resolutions Can’t Be Rushed To be honest, my reflection an reset/refresh process going into a new year does not end on January 1st, and I’m not starting 2o23 with my resolutions, goals, or intentions all fleshed out. Grateful to have had the […]

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