A Blythe Coach

Tag: Challenge

Dealing with Difficult Developments – 15 Ways to Cope with Challenges & Setbacks

Hard times come to us all, so how can we bounce back and recover? Here are the tools that work for me when I need to cope with difficult developments and which I share with clients and students to support their commitment to what’s important in their lives despite setbacks.

Leaning on them now and curious to hear what you find works best for you!

Alphabet Superset Creative Challenge Recap 2023-2024: Learning from Filming 26 Micro Video Choreos on TikTok A-Z

In the first week of July, I completed my Alphabet Superset! Campbell Walker, aka Struthless, launched the creative challenge in 2023, with one artistic creation for each of the 26 letters of the English Alphabet. Overall a valuable and interesting project, there are a number inspiring experiences and lessons learned in the process which I will share in this reflection.

Creative Next Steps: Alphabet Superset Challenge – My Entrée to TikTok Dance (or whatever media you so choose)

The time is already here for a new creative challenge, and one crossed my path just recently that I’m excited to jump into, Struthless’ “Alphabet Superset” Challenge which will encompass 26 weeks of letter inspiration plus breaks, and lots of structures of support for all artists and creators, regardless of medium or experience level.

Let’s Write! Camp NaNoWriMo & Creative Structure

Creative challenges like Camp NaNoWriMo can provide structure to launch your prolific writing or artistic career.

Charming Chosen Challenges – creative ways to try out or jumpstart a habit

Last October I tried out my first Inktober Drawing Challenge, and in January I’ve kept sketching going on a weekly basis. Drawing and visual arts is really a whole other way of being creative than my usual dancing and also very relevant to the enterprise of shape, shaping and space in my dance practice as […]

Magic Within You 4-Day Virtual Yoga Workshop Series

It takes just minutes a day to tap into the magic of your own internal resources, so join me for an exploration of the elements within nature and ourselves so we can learn to access inner strength, the Magic Within You 4-Day Virtual Yoga Workshop.

Adult Adaptive Summer Dance Intensive Week 4: Completion & Continuation

This final week, we are setting up to keep your practice going after the “Intensive” is complete. The idea is to have a well-rounded conditioning and cross-training routine that requires a very small commitment of time. You can continue to add different movements slowly as well as take full-length classes with me online or through other teachers and live studios.

2021 Meditation Practice Challenge

Here I am, officially challenging you to join me in daily meditation to create lasting positive effects in our lives this year! Start with just 1-5 minutes per day, then increase by only one minute per day each month to experience transformation. My goal is to get from my current 12 minutes of meditation to […]

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